Current Gallery Works
My works are currently represented at Canvas Gallery (Toronto, ON), Adele Campbell Fine Art (Whistler, BC), and HAZE Gallery (Berlin, Germany)
Featured below, you’ll find my available original paintings at these galleries. If you are interested in learning more about a piece or want to purchase it, click on the image and you will be directed to the gallery that is carrying the piece. All purchases of work displayed at these galleries must be arranged directly with the gallery. Feel free to peruse other originals in my shop and my available prints as well.
Klause Goes On A Skiing Holiday 38x48"
Bluebird Day 38x48"
The Transient Visitor 40x40
In Stillness We Find Peace 40x40"
Instinct 40x40"
Polaroid One Step 40x40"
Kodak Instamatic 38x48
Brownie Bull's Eye 38x48
Herco Imperial 38x48
One Bad Apple 20x20
The Devil Made Me Do It 20x20
Magical Mushroom 20x20
Campsite Building 36"x36"
Mammal Study (Scouts) 20"x20"
NOW WHAT 40"x48"
Lemon Lifesaver 10x10"
Hostess With The Mostess 20x20
Anticipation 36x36"
PEI Pride 36x36"
Space Police 30x40
Balancing Act 24x30"
It's Not You, It's Me... 24x30"
Sweet Spot 36x36"
Dolly Swims Too 12x12"
There's A New Sheriff In Town 36"x36"
Hometown Hero 40x40"
The Promise Of A New Day 36x36"
Nature's First Green 36x48"
One Tender Morning 40x40"
Shroud of Silk 40x40"
Charaxes Hadrianus 30x40
Peacock 30" round
Barn Swallow 7x10
Clay Coloured Sparrow 7x10
Golden Crowned Kinglet 7x10
Least Flycatcher 7x10
Philadelphia Vireo 7x10
Red Winged Blackbird 7x10
Song Sparrow 7x10
Spotted Sandpiper 7x10
Yellow Warbler 7x10
Philadelphia Vireo 30x30
Love's Trimmings 20x20
Eventide Relic 30x48